Ze connexions!

It's all about the connections i tell ya! Back awhile, i posted that the more connections you foster and maintain in this life the more opportunities open up for you.

So today I was heating up my Uncle Ben lunch as usual at the microwave area downstairs by the cafe, and while I was patiently waiting for the "ding" to go on, this Indian guy walked towards me and gave me a smile. As a kind person as I am always, I smiled back. I guess it was because he saw my name on the ID card that prompted him to engage in a conversation with me.

"So, you must be Jeff's son", he asked, followed by grabbing my ID card that dangled from my neck, checking to see if he saw the name correctly or not. I guess due to the fact that I'm probably the only Asian guy in the entire block, and young at that, compared to majority of the employees there, I stand out of the crowd easily, hence making me easily recognisable. I was like "Oh, so you must be uhhh uhhh......" (because I can't remember his name, it was quite awhile ago that my dad mentioned about him to me) and he cut in and answered "Nathan". Finally I met the guy that my dad mentioned about to me.

I briefly talked to him about how I was waiting for Uncle Tan to intro him to me during a golf session but I now that I have met him beforehand, there shouldn't be a need for introductions anymore.

He cut to the chase and say "hey, I know you just finished university, but if insurance is your thing, do consider ANZIIF and grab up more opportunities". "Yeah I'm about to begin it after I finish the quick starts- the policy wordings".

Nathan went like "there's a huge demand for specialist areas such as risk management, loss adjusting, etc, so pick an area to specialise in because not all people can do that. Claims, sales and etc etc... any Tom, Dick & Harry can do that, you must go into an area of specialisation. Have you met "....(i forgot his name)", a Malaysian guy, I will link him to you and you can find out more"

With that, and your university qualification, it'll take you far.

Damn right, time to get my hands on finishing those boring quick starts, and beginning my ANZIIF. Garghh.

And getting to know Nathan better. Its all about knowing people. Yarrrrrrrrrrr. I feel so uuumpphhhh.


jazz said...

You can do it, darling.